The stance on Sustainability of LIKE
...planning the Future
~Developing people and creating the future~
...planning the Future
~Developing people and creating the future~
From the cradle to twilight years, we want to expand our business of being a comprehensive life support corporate group, which is to be needed in each steps of your career.
We believe that extending our business will lead to sustainable future.

ESG Initiatives
- Raise environmental awareness through business activities, and contribute to the development of human resources that support a sustainable society.
- Focus on reducing environmental load through business activities, and aim to create a circular economy.
- Reduce CO2 emissions, and contribute to the creation of a carbon-free society.
- Pursue environmentally friendly management, and make broad contributions to preserve the environment.
- Joined "RE Action - Declaring 100% Renewable".

RE Action - Declaring 100% Renewable:
close up!Governance
- Outside directors make up 50% of our Board of Directors.
- Woman make up 33.3% of our Board of Directors.
- To ensure our Group's Officers, employees, and service users can always perform their functions in a fair manner, we have taken advantage of our holding company structure to consolidate compliance systems in the holding company. By having the holding company concentrate on group-wide management, we aim to strengthen corporate governance across the Group.
(Corporate Governance Report, released on August 28, 2020)
The role we play in the society
Child-rearing support, comprehensive human resources, and nursing care in common

- 78% of the regular employee in Group are women. 78% of managerial post are women. As you see, there are many women playing an active part in our company. Also, 33.3% of board of directors are woman, and over 40% of the members of the board of directors Groups are women.
- Adapting the diversity of lifestyles and the way of working, we promote realizing a company which each person can work in their own way. Regardless of working days, working hours and employment system.
- There are many people working as a regular employee in our company, regardless of their generation, nationality, background. There are over 130 foreign regular employees from 26 countries.
- Our group expanded their business not only by M&A business alliance, but partnerships between clients and advanced the diversity. We will keep on working to achieve the target of the whole society by sharing our group's track record.
Child-rearing support service

- We supply child-rearing support service for more than 10,500 children in many ways. We manage public childcare institutes such as authorized nursery schools, after-school child care ran by local governments which meets the criteria provided by the country.
- We aim for developing a place where people can raise their child, and work with no worries by cooperating with the county, local governments, companies. We solve problems such as children on waiting lists for kindergarten, and parents struggling with childcare.
Comprehensive human resource service

- Since our business started from 1998, we made effort for job seekers. We gave necessary training courses for each job seeker, despite of their social experience, business experience, age or academic background. To support them for their first step as a member of society by “working”, we enable them to find their own goals.
- Now, we are expanding our business, and supplying knowledges and know-how’s for all the job seekers to be able to work in the frontline despite their generation, nationality, and experiences. By doing so, we create employments, and solve the decline of working-age population.
Nursing care related service

- We run a fee-based nursing home for the elderly with 24h resident nurses, and also able to be present at each elderly’s death. This enables us to supply nursing services for almost 1,400 residents.
- We aim for not only resolving the care worker’s unemployment, but also realizing urban development where all the residents, their family and the care worker can solve their problems and work without any concerns. We will keep close to the region, and cooperate with the country and local government.