Business contents
We are implementing services in the fields of childcare, human resources, and nursing care through the operations of the following companies: "LIKE Kids," a first-rate company in the childcare business which operates outsourced on-site childcare in offices that are established by companies, hospitals, and universities, etc., and manages child rearing support services operating over 400 facilities in public childcare such as licensed nursery schools and after school clubs; "LIKE Staffing," a first-rate company in the human resources business which operates comprehensive human resources services such as temporary staffing, outsourcing, recruitment, and recruitment and education support; and "LIKE Care," which operates the nursing care related services with 25 paid nursing homes, where residents are provided with 24/7 end-of-life care by the nursing staff. Through these services, we are aiming to be a corporate group that is essential at every stage of life.

Child-rearing support service
We provide outsourced childcare services and public childcare services that connect home, workplace and neighborhood.
Comprehensive human resources service
We engage in temporary staffing, outsourcing, recruitment, recruitment and education support by taking advantage of training, matching, and follow-up after employment.
Nursing care related service
We operate paid nursing homes, etc. where residents are provided end-of-life care for 24/7.